Business Interruption Claims
in the COVID-19 World
Tuesday, June 23nd 2020 – 2:00 PM (EST)
Business interruption insurance policies have been around in one form or another for almost 100 years. During that time, our country and the world have gone through numerous life-changing events. From two World Wars and numerous smaller but not less significant conflicts; pandemics ranging from the American polio epidemic of 1916, 1918 Spanish Flu (500 million people fell ill and 1/5th died), the Asian Flu of 1957 (1 million lives lost), and the 2009 Swine Flu (1.4 billion infected and roughly 500,000 died). Our country alone also endured catastrophic events resulting in horrific losses – from the September 11 attacks, to Hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, Maria and Harvey – the list goes on and on. Yet none of those events has triggered the amount of scrutiny (and misunderstanding) about business interruption insurance as we have seen with the recent Covid-19 outbreak.
The purpose of this seminar is to separate fact from fiction given the divergent policy forms adopted by different insurance carriers. Attendees will leave this webinar with an understanding, through simplified numerical examples and legal analysis, of not only the purpose and scope of business interruption coverage but also the steps necessary to complete a business interruption loss valuation.
For more information, contact Sue Quimby
at or call 800-935-6900.